• 1Positano Streets
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  • Shopping
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Positano, Salerno, Campania, Italy

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State: Campania
City: Salerno
Town: Positano
Inhabitants: 3793
Meters above sea level: 30
Inhabitants name: positanesi
Mayor name: Giuseppe Guida
Patron saint: San Vito; June 15 - Madonna Assunta; August 15


Positano is a small cliffside village located in the province of Salerno, in the region of Campania, Italy. It is a popular tourist destination known for its colorful buildings, narrow streets, and breathtaking views of the Amalfi Coast.

Situated on the Tyrrhenian Sea, Positano offers stunning beaches, such as Spiaggia Grande and Fornillo Beach, where visitors can relax and soak up the sun. The town is also famous for its vibrant fashion scene, with many boutiques selling handmade sandals and stylish clothing.

One of the most iconic landmarks in Positano is the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, which features a beautiful majolica-tiled dome and a 13th-century Byzantine icon of the Black Madonna. Visitors can explore the town’s picturesque streets, lined with charming shops, cafes, and restaurants serving local delicacies.

From Positano, visitors can also take boat tours to nearby attractions, such as the stunning island of Capri or the breathtaking Emerald Grotto. Additionally, hiking enthusiasts can embark on the famous “Path of the Gods,” a scenic trail that offers panoramic views of the coastline.

Overall, Positano is a picturesque destination that offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, history, and Italian charm, making it a must-visit location in the region of Campania, Italy.

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